China is planning to launch a Mars probe in the year 2020 to carry out an independent exploration of the Red Planet after a joint mission with Russia failed in 2011, said Ye Peijian, a top space scientist and national political adviser.近日,全国政协委员、顶级空间科学家叶培建透漏,在2011年与俄罗斯的牵头任务告终之后,我国计划于2020年升空火星探测器,对火星积极开展独立国家探寻。The probe is expected to reach Mars in 2021 after a flight of seven to ten months, he said on Friday during the annual session of the national political advisory body in Beijing. Consensus has been reached among policymakers and leading scientists, he said.该探测器预计将飞行中7-10个月,于2021年抵达火星。叶培建委员是在上周五全国政协会议期间透漏这一消息的。
他说道:“政策制定者和科学家之间早已达成协议了共识。”China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the main contractor of Chinas space missions, said on Friday that the Mars exploration is among the 10 major orders that Long March 5, the countrys next-generation heavy lift rocket, has received so far.作为中国太空任务的主要主办公司,中国航天科技集团公司上周五回应,探寻火星是我国新一代重型火箭长征五号早已拒绝接受的10大订单中的一个。Other orders include the Change-5 lunar probe mission that is expected to bring back soil from the moon around 2017, and the much-anticipated space stations core module that will be launched around 2020.其他订单还包括嫦娥五号的探月任务,该任务被寄希望于2017年从月球送回泥土。
此外还有2020年左右升空的倍受期望的空间站核心舱等。The size and structure of the Mars probe will be similar to Change-3, Chinas first lunar lander that was launched in 2013, though there are many differences, he said.叶培建还透漏,尽管有许多不同之处,但是我国火星探测器的大小和结构,与我国于2013年升空的第一个月球着陆器嫦娥三号相近。
At present, scientists have started making technological preparations for communications, possible landing on the Mars, and how to deal with the planets extreme environment, he said.叶培建回应,目前,科学家们早已开始对还包括通讯、降落的可能性以及火星极端环境的处置展开着各项技术打算。There are many challenges in front of us ... but I think it is likely we will send the probe to Mars given our all-out efforts, the know-how we gained from past missions and everybodys support, he said.他说道:“我们面对着许多挑战,但是我想要,通过过去的升空经验以及每个人的希望,我们一定会竭尽所能地将探测器升空到火星上去的。